Dental Implants

A dental implant is a surgical component that is placed into the jawbone to replace the root of a missing tooth. It provides a strong foundation for a replacement tooth or bridge that is designed to match the natural teeth. The implant itself is typically made of titanium or a titanium alloy, which is biocompatible and fuses with the surrounding bone tissue through a process called osseointegration. Once the implant has integrated with the jawbone, an abutment can be placed on top of it to support a crown, bridge, or denture. Dental implants are a popular and effective solution for individuals who have lost one or more teeth due to injury, decay, or other dental conditions. They offer several benefits over traditional dentures or bridges, including improved comfort, stability, and durability.

Single Tooth Implant

Single Implant Tooth

Missing Single Tooth

If you’re missing only a single tooth, a single dental implant might be an excellent solution. Also a single tooth bridge might help to maintain the spacing of your teeth, but an implant can help to preserve the jawbone as well.

Multiple Teeth Implant

Dental Implants - Miracle Smile Dentistry

Missing Multiple Teeth

There are several options for replacing multiple missing teeth, including dental implants, dentures, bridges. Options depend on  the location and number of missing teeth, condition of the surrounding teeth and gums, and patient health.

Full Arch Dental Implants

Options for Patients with No Remaining Teeth

For edentulous patients (those with no natural teeth remaining in the mouth), there are several dental implant treatment options available.

The best dental implant treatment option for edentulous patients will depend on various factors, such as the patient’s bone density and oral health, as well as their personal preferences and budget. A consultation with Dr. Anna Aller and she can help determine the most suitable treatment option for each individual case.  In Plantation and Coral Gables, Our team is comprised of qualified dentists and dental specialists, at Miracle Smile Dentistry, who can provide these dental implant treatment options for edentulous patients.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures are a popular treatment option for edentulous patients. This treatment involves the placement of several dental implants into the jawbone, which are then used to support a custom-made denture. Implant-supported dentures are more stable than traditional dentures and can significantly improve the patient’s ability to chew and speak.

All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 dental implants are another treatment option for edentulous patients. This treatment involves the placement of four dental implants into the jawbone, which are then used to support a full arch of artificial teeth. All-on-4 dental implants are a cost-effective and time-efficient alternative to traditional implant-supported dentures.

Full-Arch Dental Implants 

Full-arch dental implants involve the placement of several dental implants into the jawbone, which are then used to support a full arch of artificial teeth. This treatment is similar to implant-supported dentures, but provides a more permanent solution.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

The cost of dental implants can vary widely depending on several factors, including the number of implants needed and the complexity of the case. In general, dental implants can be more expensive than other tooth replacement options such as dentures or bridges.

Dental Implants Coral Gables
Dental implant pain and infection

Dental Implant Infections

Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Like any surgery, there is a risk of infection associated with dental implant placement. However, infection is a rare complication of dental implant surgery, and with proper care and attention, most implant surgeries heal without any problems.

Bridge vs Dental Implants: What Patients Should Know

Bridge vs Dental Implants: What Patients Should Know

Bridge vs Dental Implants: What Patients Should Know Missing teeth can cause a range of problems, from difficulty chewing to self-consciousness when smiling or speaking. Two common solutions for replacing missing teeth are dental bridges and dental implants. In this…

Steps to Place and Restore a Dental Implant

Steps to Place and Restore a Dental Implant

The process of placing and restoring a dental implant typically involves several steps, which may include the following: The steps involved in placing and restoring a dental implant may vary depending on the patient’s individual case and the type of…

Who is a Candidate for Dental Implants? Factors to Consider:

Who is a Candidate for Dental Implants? Factors…

The ideal candidate for dental implants is someone who has lost one or more teeth and is in good general health. Good candidates for dental implants typically have: While these are general guidelines, every individual is different and a consultation…

Peri-Implantitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Peri-Implantitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Peri-implantitis is a condition that can occur after dental implant placement. It is a type of gum disease that affects the tissues surrounding dental implants and can lead to implant failure if left untreated. In this blog post, we will…

How to Take Care of Your All-on-4 Dental Implants: Tips and Tricks

How to Take Care of Your All-on-4 Dental…

All-on-4 dental implants are a popular treatment option for those who have lost all or most of their teeth. They provide a stable and comfortable solution for replacing missing teeth, but like any dental restoration, they require special care to…

I Am Too Young for Dental Implants, Right?

I Am Too Young for Dental Implants, Right?

You are young.  In the prime of your life.  And you are having issues with your teeth.  You have heard about dental implants.  They sound like something you would be interested in for yourself, about 20 or 30 years from…